Friday, November 14, 2008

I desire to write

I am loving the book by Anne Lamott that I cited earlier this week. She is reverent, irreverent, fun. She speaks to writers and stimulates the desire in me to write (rather than just accumulate the accoutrements thereof--piles of paper, boxes of pens).

Write down a word that is beautiful to you
Stare at it
Let it seep
Add a word that cracks the beauty
Look at it and see inside
Hold it
in your ears
in your eyes
in your heart
until you know it differently
then add a word that heals it
add a word that shadows it
add a word that illuminates it

Yes, I desire to write. And little by little I learn and do.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful posting. My word today for my blog is Companion. I love this word and what is calls forth.
    Sending my love to you Anastasia, my sister and companion.
