Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Moment, New Hope

A new year is like a new pad of paper, a new notebook...that blank slate feeling that maybe there is the possibility of a fresh start...with good intentions, new hopes.

So I have hopes for our world: peace, love... It seems easy to be at the extremes of "can't we just all be friends" a bit Pollyanna....or totally's useless. The harder posture to maintain is the step by step: at this moment, I will do what I can for this moment, I will do what I can for this moment, I will do what I can to be a presence of love to our world.

I have hopes for all that I care about:
  • the immediate circle of care of my family, my friends, my Sisters,
  • a broader circle of people I have come to know and care about through my work in our Development Department: my fellow workers and our amazing donors who do so much to support us
  • a world of "cosmic consciousness" that I am still growing into, that invites me to enter a bigger learn to care way beyond my current decrease my carbon footprint, my stuff footprint, my consumerism...and increase my mindfulness footprint.
And I have hopes for myself: a little more balance (again the extremes vs. the step by step approach), a little more focus, better planning, priorities...and growing in ability to relate with love and care in that bigger universe of God's amazing creation.

The work of mission is to keep expanding the embrace of God's love. So here goes, 2010!

What are your hopes and dreams for this new moment?