Thursday, November 6, 2008

Widow's mite

"Philanthropy could be defined as an investment in a meaningful cause by one who has funds left over after personal (and family) material needs have been met."

Julia Ingraham Walker, Major Gifts, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006

But I am moved by those who donate not from what they have left over, but from what they need--the widow's mite. (Luke 21:2) Though it be less, it is a gift of self, a sacrificial offering.

When we receive donations, many times there are special prayer intentions included. People--young and old, men and women--give. They find time and resources to prepare an envelope in spite of the illnesses of family members, job losses, relationship conflicts.

May I also put in, from my poverty and my blessings, all that I have to live on.


  1. Giving stems from a grateful heart and this does not know boundaries...The widow's mite is an archetype of grateful giving...a sharing of life so that others' lives would be full. Even during this time of economic difficulties, there arise someones who offer there widow's mite because they know deep in their hearts that life is blessed and can only be known through sharing.

  2. An inspirational message from Anastasia, a reminder of the gifts that arise from a generous spirit and most of all a beautiful reflection. Also Becky's comment on '"sharing a life so that others' lives would be full'reminds me of an abundance mentatlity, that there is enough to give and give generously.
