Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Forgive them...

The song at morning prayer yesterday included a chanting of the line "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

Perhaps there is a cosmic wisdom in this message that I never appreciated before...

Maybe forgiveness is the only response to the wrongs, evils, stupidities, violences...that we commit in a state of limited consciousness/ignorance. Jesus with fuller knowing responds to immense suffering perpetrated by those who do not understand that the pain they are inflicting is causing suffering to the whole body of which they/we are a part. 

Can our global community barely beginning to know ourselves as part of a greater whole forgive our less conscious selves "for we know not what we do"?

For all the ways we have used/abused/exploited other parts of the whole, taken without consent or gratitude, are forgiveness and learning to pay forward what can never be paid back pathways to transformation?


  1. How different might the world look now if, on 9/12/2001, President George Bush stared into the television camera and spoke these words to the world: "And you, Osama bin Laden. I have one thing to say to you: We forgive you. We pray for your peace..."

  2. This is true today as it was in 2014 when you posted this Sr. Anastasia. I am reflecting on the wisdom and insights you share in your seeking mission blog. Love you.
