Sunday, August 16, 2009

Celebrating Commitment

I am unable to bilocate today. So while I will be present in our main chapel for the final vows of Sister Mercy Mtaita, my prayers are also with Dr. Susan Nagele who, just about one mile away, will be renewing her commitment as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner...and celebrating 25 years of service in Tanzania, Southern Sudan and Kenya.

I have many families, and most of them are big families. Sometimes my commitments and loyalties stretch me--and sometimes there's not enough to stretch as far as I would like.

Nonetheless, commitment to service to mission is a cause for celebration. And for affirming our commitment to service the mission of Jesus, to continue to seek and serve God's amazing reign of love.

Susan has been doing this for a long time. Mercy is younger, but in her service in Brazil, she also learns, grows, inspires.

Please join me and our Maryknoll communities and their families and friends in celebrating and praying for Susan and Mercy, and for all who strive to serve God and the people of God.

1 comment:

  1. I resonate both with stretching between trying to be everywhere and in cointuing commitment. I will pray for Susan and Mercy. Keep up the writing, in hearing of renewal and commitment, I too recommit to my vocation. This past weekend we did a pulpit pitch for new St. Vincent De Paul members and after mass 3 woman and 1 man, all bilingual, offered there names to assist in the works of our mission of charity. Commitment to service is growing.
