Tuesday, July 14, 2009

As the deer stands

As the deer longs for running water
so my soul longs for you, O God.
~ Psalm 42:1

As I walked down the hill this morning, somewhat distracted with thoughts of
things to be done
choices poorly made
and the usual things that can make me miss what it is real and important and beautiful...
suddenly I looked, and there, standing still not far from me, was a beautiful deer.
A little twitch, but mostly mutual gaze for a minute.
Then, another twitch and off (she?) went.

What a gift for the morning...an encounter that helps drop away the other thoughts and refocus.

As the deer stands, quietly, peacefully, so may I be peacefully and quietly rooted in a different posture for my day.


  1. Your note brings this to mind, with more piety than may be apparent:

    Loneliness in Jersey City

    The deer and the dachshund are one.
    Well, the gods grow out of the weather.
    The people grow out of the weather;
    The gods grow out of the people.
    Encore, encore, encore les dieux...

    The distance between the dark steeple
    And cobble ten thousand and three
    Is more than a seven-foot inchworm
    Could measure by moonlight in June.

    Kiss, cats: for the deer and the dachshund
    Are one. My window is twenty-nine three
    And plenty of window for me.
    The steeples are empty and so are the people,
    There's nothing whatever to see
    Except Polacks that pass in their motors
    And play concertinas all night.
    They think that things are all right,
    Since the deer and the dachshund are one.

    - Wallace Stevens

    Quite uncharacteristically, I'm on the side of the dachshund - offering still unpacked ironies regarding grace.

  2. Oh that creation bring us into presence. Thank God for the deer and all our deer ones. I love you.
