Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jubilee Witness and Challenge

We are celebrating Jubilees today--Sisters with 60, 65 and 70 years of commitment and service to the mission of Jesus. Some of them I have been privileged to know for many years. (a little rough glimpse: )

This witness of long service and commitment stands in stark contrast to the apparent superficiality of so much involvement. As I continue to explore "cybermission," it makes me wonder about many things. FaceBook makes it very easy for me to click and join a new cause--that I do believe in (ending child prostitution, peace...) and also easy for me to post my causes (Darfur, AIDS) and hope that others will be influenced.

And clicking I can feel that I am DOING something (rather than NOTHING).

But am I?

Is a click, a post actually transforming relationship and action? Does it create in me a new heart and/or do anything to turn swords into ploughshares? Does it create peace, justice?

Sally McFague speaks of contemplatives in liberation. "The Christian practice of radical love knows no bounds: it does not stop at any border, even the human one."

Our amazing Sisters have crossed so many boundaries to make God's love visible. Their lives truly witness to Christ in whom all is redeemed and made one.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Seeking Vision

I will live of life of vision rooted in God's love for all...rooted in God's will for all: communion: one bread, one body.

I shall stand at my post,
I shall station myself on my watch-tower,
watching to see what God will say to me,
what answer God will make to my complaint.

Then Yahweh answered me and said,

Write the vision down
inscribe it on tablets
to be easily read
for the vision is for its
appointed time

it hastens towards its
end and it will not lie.

Although it may
take some time

wait for it
for come it certainly will before too long.

~Habakkuk 2:1-3

When vision calls us, informs us, pulls (or pushes) us, we are reminded and drawn into the bigger purpose. God's enterprise is about love. Love that is patient, kind, tolerant. Love that is just, merciful, transforming. Love that draws us into the One who is One. It's organic, interactive, (and, of course, beyond our knowing and understanding).

So the vision requires hope and humility, purpose and persistance, love and longing. And it will take time.

I shall stand at my post...watching to see what God will say to me....